About Us

We believe brands deserve a safe space to share, learn and confide. And that we can create it.

Pink chrysanthemums on marble surface
Chloe talking to a delegate


The networking events industry has become staid and uninspiring, characterised by salespeople that only see you as a job title or a KPI. But that can change.

Networking events are about people. They don't just give you opportunities, they give you friends, knowledge, drive. A safe place where you can share, learn and confide (without being asked to 'hop on a call') should be the norm. Not the exception.

Commerce Futures loves a keen bean. Someone who voraciously contributes, relentlessly seeking knowledge to be better in their role…or the role they want to be in…and then sharing that knowledge with any who need it. Our events and community are designed for people who care about “what’s next.”

Jim Herbert, CEO


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Commerce Futures events are wonderfully organised sessions with like-minded professionals from across the industry.

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Janis Thomas

Look Fabulous Forever

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These types of events are fantastic for meeting people, for hearing what other people are doing, getting inspired and going back with new ideas to the business.

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Jonas Worm Hansen

Sif Jakobs

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Commerce Futures hosts great events. I like the combination of getting some real insights into the industry, the opportunity to meet peers and discuss relevant topics in an informal environment combined with a nice venue.

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Chris Thomas

Marks & Spencer

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Commerce Futures events are wonderfully organised sessions with like-minded professionals from across the industry. I had the privilege of speaking at an event, and it was a great opportunity to discuss, debate and learn from a diverse group. Equally the other sessions I have attended have been thought provoking, engaging and fun!

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Why Join Us

Commerce Futures networking events are exclusive and carefully vetted. We welcome anyone to apply as you may be suitable for future events.

Our promises to you:

  • A trusted environment where you can talk to peers without fear of being sold to
  • Honest opinions, thoughts and feedback on vendors from people you trust, with no agenda
  • Content from speakers like you, who share your problems and goals
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